Wednesday, August 02, 2023

The Only Thing That Matters is What Happens in Court...

Many words will be spilled. Many stupid arguments and opinions will be floated. The "political pundits," on TV and the internet will say lots of silly and toxically corrosive shite. And of course, the defendant will continue with his non-stop, vomit-inducing, blathering & 24/7 idiocy, but none of that matters. 

The only thing that matters is what happens in court. The Universe of this kerfuffle can be summed up with these pretty damn serious charges:

This man is going to be tried, NOT because he is a popular Republican running for office, NOT because he said, and continues to say, lots of prodigiously stupid things, NOT because he is toxic liar, NOT because he is a disgusting Human Being, NOT because the "Liberals" hate him.

He is going to be tried because he tried mightily to over-turn the results of a free and fair election and conspired with others to achieve that result. He lied over and over with the intention to incite others to over-throw an election. He tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power. He tried to nullify the votes of millions of Americans. He tried to trash the Constitution and totally wreck our Democracy.

We all watched him try to do it. We watched the Capitol being over-run & attacked by his MAGA forces. Yes, America. You can believe your eyes. Yes, this man is a plague and a nuisance. He must be tried. He must face the music. Sure, he is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Let the court, the law, the lawyers, the judge and jury do their thing.

Let it come down.