Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Sleaze King is a Magnet...

You would not want to be that man. You know, the guy who is attracting indictments like a magnet attracts lead particles. He is whining about it, and his flock of idiots are really, really mad. All the cultists are stomping, hopping mad. The thought floating around in the brains of idiocy: How dare they hold our false idol to account for his actions?

I say, he is only getting what he deserves. And it's a very good thing, indeed. America is still a land of laws, and being sleaze-king or not, those who transgress must face the music. Sleaze-king will be spending lots of time in courtrooms, with teams of lawyers trying to defend the indefensible, dueling with buttoned-up prosecutors, armed with facts, hailing from every locality & direction. 

Ha. Ha. Ha. Not fun. That's for sure. 

For those squawking that it's all political, well, it is easy to point out that many of the crimes charged are political crimes, crimes against the constitution, democracy, and free and fair elections, and most, if not all of the witnesses lining up against the sleaze-king are folks who worked for him, and are also from his own  brain-dead, zombified, political party.  

It is a sweet stew of shite that man is floating in. Ha!

Update: Kevin Drum sums it all up, and the details from Georgia are quite hilarious:

We have details. The grand jury indicted 19 people on 41 separate counts, including RICO conspiracy charges for some of them. Among the indicted are:

  • Donald Trump, disgraced former US president
  • Rudy Giuliani, demented former "America's Mayor"
  • John Eastman, crackpot lawyer
  • Mark Meadows, panicky former White House chief of staff
  • Sidney Powell, another crackpot lawyer
  • Kenneth Chesebro, unscrupulopus lawyer who conceived the whole fake electors scheme

Plus there are 13 others accused of various counts of mopery and dopery.