Thursday, August 17, 2023

Not Gonna Be Fun for that Bozo...


"In total, Mr. Trump faces 91 felony counts, charged with an array of crimes: trying to subvert democracy, risking national security secrets and falsifying business records in connection with a hush money payment to a porn actress."

Ok. Well. No-one is perfect. And as they like to remind us, "presumed innocent until proven guilty," Although the evidence is strong, the facts are with the prosecutors, and hell, we watched and heard every pre & post election day how this Dude was trashing our country, it's constitution, and it's laws; an overflowing cornucopia of criminal acts. Once you get past the defendant's blubbering outrage and constant whining, his defense seems to be SO WHAT?!

And, you know, we've all done bad shit in our lives. We are all Human after all. But… I mean… this is quite the accumulation of BAD KARMA! Impressive. Indeed.

Shite. Having to face the music in a court, or multiple courts of law is not gonna be fun for that bozo. But of course, couldn't happen to a more deserving person. 

YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE THIS GUY. But Justice must be served. No man is above the Law. At least that is a worthy Ideal to try to live up to in a Healthy Democracy. Here's to Health!