Friday, August 04, 2023

Consequences. For Your Actions.


For your actions. 

That seems to be a law of life. The things you do have consequences. Some intended, some not. Don't know how that all works itself out. You do things, and you wake up the Fates, and they decide if you are gonna fly or crash. It is amazing when you skate, relatively unscathed, or when the bricks come crashing down upon your head. Sometimes you have an interesting story to tell, sometimes you get hurt, you lose a limb, or even a life. That's just the way the cookie crumbles.

Seems the cookie is crumbling for a famous bully, fat-man, would-be authoritarian.

So, yeah. Don't forget. If you try to "hold onto power," if you try to prevent the "peaceful transfer of power," if you conspire with others to thwart the democratic process, if you try to nullify or refuse to acknowledge millions of votes against you, well, consequences, baby! You must finally face the music.

And that music might not be pleasant.

That bully may cry and yell and pound the table, but there is one person responsible for it all. A famously orange person with a really bad comb-over is now facing the consequences of his unbroken chain of bad actions. 

That is ok. It is the way of life, or at least sometimes it is. I mean, shite, let it come down. That truly is life. Crime and punishment. Yep.