Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Be Busy...

Ah... yes... let me just say that this  particular, loose-motley-collection of atoms with consciousness (see previous post), finds the idea of being a loose-motley-collection of atoms with consciousness a very invigorating & auspicious idea. So liberating. So open-ended. The idea propels me into the mode of "anything is possible." And every day is anything can happen day.

It also leads to the thought that a head of wonder is a good and natural thing. Even though we think we know a lot, much of the Universe is mysterious. Even our explanations are sort of head-scratching, wonderful, confounding, and well, don't really explain a hell of a lot.

Maybe that too is a good thing? 

No need to explain, we are here to be, to be conscious, to revel in  our ability to reside in consciousness. We are here to observe, to pay attention. To BE HERE NOW.  Why? Who knows?! Be busy you loose-motley-collection of atoms with consciousness..