Saturday, August 12, 2023

Alone Again, Naturally...

I write here, usually every morning. Writing is an agreeable habit, and a muscle I like to flex. It's kind of a private act which I make public every day. Kind of weird.

I have been living at a huge, luxurious mansion these last few days. Usually I am here alone. It is one of my favorite places on the planet.

For a few days this week this little sanctuary was over-run by a clutch of other guests. A full-blown family with little kids, screaming babies and a contingent of doting adults. A rollicking cavalcade of humanity. Pool parties every morning. 

Sheesh. It all reminds me just how private I really am. I am so used to inhabiting a large space all by myself. Being alone with my own thoughts and obsessions is just so natural and agreeable to me. Being here is usually a retreat, a secret garden, a true monastic-style retreat. 

All that went up in the smoke, disappeared before my eyes; the hubbub and hurly-burly of a multi-dimensional family, fruitful and prosperous, ruled the day and the space.

I easily "lost my space" to glad-handing and the over-flowing chatter. I surprised myself. I am so easily tipped over into a feeling of being under siege, over-run, out-numbered, and marginalized. I realize how I am so different from many of my fellow humans.

Peace & quiet. A fully engaged aloneness. That is my natural state. Luckily, the visitors did their thing for a few days, and are now gone. Vacated. Whew. Everything is now seems even more empty than usual. It feels so right and good. Alone again! Yes, that's the way to do it.