Monday, July 10, 2023


"Take Care of Business Mr. Business Man..."  *

"TCB" (taking care of business), was one of Elvis Presley's go to phrases. In his case, later in his career, that meant finding every pill known to Man, and gobbling them down like a crazed-turkey. Yikes. Not recommended.

Life, you know, is not a Business. It's not about dollars and cents, it doesn't always make sense, or add up, Life is Life. So when I think of taking care of business, I think of being healthy, happy, engaged. Keeping two feet on the ground. Going with the flow of Life and navigating as best I can. Our business is to Love and Pay Attention to the details of the world. To be as open and giving to everything in the Universe as possible.

Yesterday we were taking care of business, and it felt just like being fully alive, aware, awake. That's the way do it Mr. Business Man...

*A line from a Ray Stevens song. My father used to sing that line when I was a wee lad. He was spending his days (not always delightfully), being a Business Man, taking care of business. I always wondered where that line originated. Welcome to the Wonders of the Great Google.