Saturday, July 29, 2023

Riding Exquisite Vibes...

We played a storefront r&r show last night. Another hot day in the city, We were a bit worried that the temps inside the music room would be stifling. But we lucked out. A storm blew in and cooled things down a bit by the time we took the stage at around 9 p.m. or so. 7 of us were crowded on a small stage. Playing to a totally packed house. Fabulously welcoming vibes. There is something about playing a small room, it concentrates the energy, and heightens the connection between performers and those for whom we perform. The audience too becomes an essential ingredient to the mix. Sure, we have the songs, we play the music, but the energy we create is filtered thru those who give us their undivided attention and it all becomes so much more. 

Lightening and thunder and strong winds outside, and inside too. We truly did conjure up our own storm.

It's surprising how our band is now perceived. We have our own quirky, original, homemade music, and it seems to really connect and speak to folks. There was joy and dancing in the aisles. A truly inspiring thing. I burst into flames on stage. It's a typical thing for me. Almost lost my pick during one song, the sweat flowing down my fingers. We had a few minor kerfuffles, a glitch or two, some feedback from who knows where, we are definitely a challenge to any sound-person. We also had a mis-cue or two. But what we lacked in absolute precision we made up with energy, passion, panache. 


Someone who has seen us many times over the years said to me afterwards that it was the best show he's ever seen from us. Not an idle comment, this enthusiastic validation comes from a magnificent singer-songwriter, and talented performer in his own right. His kind words really hit home. It truly was a magnificent evening. A good rare thing. We are so damn lucky to have a creative vehicle. We get to ride the good vibes and shoot towards some kind of grand transcendence. Sometimes everything clicks. I mean often now. Lightening in a bottle. A good kind of storm for sure.