Sunday, July 23, 2023

Best & Worst at the Same Time...

F. Scott Fitzgerald:  "the test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function."

Yes. Indeed. Let me demonstrate my intelligence this a.m.

"We Humans are royally fucked, we've totally cooked our atmosphere, we refused to listen, hell-bent on destroying ourselves, but, hell, don't worry, be happy, it will all work itself out. We truly will get what we deserve."


"Everything is Holy, Life is cheap."

"It is the best of times and the worst of times, times two!"

"It's all completely hopeless. Here's hoping for the best!"

I am feeling a bit fatalistic/pessimistic this morning. I think the climate catastrophe is real, and probably irreversible, and we can all expect apocalyptic suffering and dislocation in the coming years for our planet and species, but it's a glorious morning, I had a fabulous, totally restful & refreshing sleep, the coffee is excellent, life-giving, Led Zeppelin's 3 CDs, 150 min.  "How the West Was Won," recorded live in America in June 1972, and January 1973 is on the box, and sounds big, bombastic, over-powering and gracefully beautiful too. The John Bonham drum solo during Moby Dick is equal parts amazing and mind-numbing, and Jimmy Page's electric guitar playing is totally thrilling & captivating. I swoon at the beauty of Jimmy's acoustic guitar playing, his old Martin guitar sounds sublime, such a light, graceful touch. Plant is in fine form, although hearing him sing "Baby," over and over is a bit much, kitsch! John Paul Jones? Mandolin, bass, keys? Not a false move or note. Superb.

You may be wondering, "Isn't it a bit early in the morning to be blasting Zep Live on the loudspeakers?" I answer with a resounding "No, Man!" I mean, really it's a perfect start to the day.

So yeah. Sunday. Sunshine. Music. Coffee. Good vibes. Nowhere to go at the moment.

WTF. Life.