Saturday, June 03, 2023

The Holy Grail of Foodstuffs...

Ok. Maybe this isn't the most consequential topic, but here, close to home it's become a major discovery. I have been living in an amazing mansion on the lake, it truly is a magnificent home, perched magnificently at an exquisitely perfect spot in our town. I am a lucky person, no doubt. I am living way beyond my means. Floating in amber. I am keeping busy, sometimes to exhaustion, I am the caretaker, taking care, and that means being always in motion. Before the owners of this place went abroad, they stocked the refrigerator with some provisions. I had mentioned that I was living on peanut butter and bagels, and well, there was enough peanut butter and a variety of bagels to feed a small army. I really, really fell hard for a morning Everything Bagel. I truly thought I found the holy grail of foodstuffs. Funny. My friend stopped by and left me a few English Muffins. Seems everyone I know wants to feed me. Anyway, yes, I think now my new Holy Grail of Foodstuffs is the English Muffin. I mean, nothing wrong with a well-made bagel, but English Muffin? Delectable. Who knew?!