Friday, June 23, 2023

Random A.M. Musings...

Random Musings...

Greed is not good. 

Human Civilization has now entered the Apotheosis of High-Bullshit Era.
The grass in the Heartland is being reduced to cracked earth & burnt straw. Think: massive system-wide drought.

The Climate Catastrophe is Here/Now. It is not a movie, it is not entertainment.
The Tricky Monkeys have Out-Tricked Themselves, and it is very not funny in a kind of funny way.

There may be a formula written on our man-made toxic & noxious wind: As the Climate Catastrophe rolls out across the planet, the Bullshit/Disinformation tsunami will only grow & get worse. A mutually self-fulfilling fatal embrace.

Gaia is suffering from a grave illness: Human Greed, Selfishness, Close-minded-ness, Industrialization, Population out of control (like a Cancer). We should have tried our best to avoid the illness, there were major alarms & signals in the late 60's & early 70's, but instead we doubled-down on an unsustainable path.

"They paved Paradise, and put up a parking lot."Joni Mitchell. And now that parking lot is a crackling and smoking heap of rubble.

The traits that allowed us to flourish, prosper and dominate are the same traits that are dooming us to an apocalyptically in-hospitable environment. Way to go Tricky Monkeys!

What's a Humble Pilgrim to do? Carry on with a heavy heart. 
You may hate to be a member of a club that will have you as a member. But it is impossible to extricate yourself from the madness.

Human Beings, we are failing, ok, have failed. Miserably. We could have all done so much better. Have a nice day!

*** Personal Note: Maybe not the most important thing in the world right now. There are two kinds of days around here. Good Hair Days and Bad Hair Days. What's kind of funny, the worse I feel, the better my hair looks. Maybe it's a defensive mechanism to keep the predators confused?! Today happens to be a Good Hair Day. My hair happily waving in the storms of catastrophe. Oh, so human. Damn the Torpedoes!