Thursday, June 01, 2023


"What could go wrong?"

A good question, one you should probably consider before you start pretty much anything. What could go wrong? The answer: Pretty much everything,

That doesn't mean you shouldn't do what you imagine doing, but, of course, everything you propose to do includes it's own host of issues, there is a bit of chaos running thru the fabric of the Universe, it appears that we live in a "Quantum Universe," if you want to imagine a God, this God loves to roll the dice. Chance, uncertainty, probability are fundamental to the whole she-bang. Chaos can drop into your scene at a drop of a hat.

Riding thru that busy intersection, armed with a green light, did you take into account that the woman driving that SUV was a bit distracted, and she just blew a red light; her vehicle was heading dead-on for you? That would be a bummer way to start the day, right? Good thing she briefly woke up, slammed on the brakes and came to a skidding stop. Chance. Right. Every moment, chance. Tick, tick, tick.

Pretty sure the Universe isn't deterministic, although it often feels like it is, it is most likely probabilistic, which is a bit annoying, hard to get your head around, you mean everything is basically a roll of the dice? Yikes. A sneaking suspicion rises up from your solar plexus, that the Universe is like one big Las Vegas Casino (Lost Wages), and the odds are inevitably stacked in favor of the house. But, chance, right? What if you stumbled upon a winning streak? Maybe not probable, but possible, right?

It's kind of a Mad Magazine Universe. Pretty much anything can happen, and it's sort of funny. There is the door labeled Hope and one called the Sea of Possibilities. One can't help thinking that the whole, glorious, contradictory thing is an elaborate joke or con. It's all a bit beautiful, shiny, wonderful, and hauntingly strange. Yes, and… "What, Me Worry?!"

We used to put on theater shows. One thing we always used to tell each other, you don't really know your show, until you know all the things that can go wrong with your show.  And really, every thing can go wrong, pretty much anytime. So your idea of "knowing," is a bit limited. Chaos. Maybe a bit of controlled chaos. That's just probably it, funny, that...