Friday, May 12, 2023

Wings of Light...

Let's just get this out of the way...

Fascism is bad. Know your history. It helps to review the historical record to see all the death and destruction Fascism has unleashed around the world. Think of Fascism as a mind-virus. It's a  really noxious disease in the head, a perniciously toxic and death-conjuring movement. There has always been a Fascist element in America. Sometimes on the wane, sometimes on the rise. Lately it's getting lots of attention and free air time. Not a good look, not a smart play for our Democracy. One of our political parties, the GOP has gone full-Fascist. It's kind of shocking & disturbing. Many of our fellow Americans seem to have given up on Democracy. It is a shame. I truly, madly, deeply think they are out-numbered, but history shows us that a minority-movement can wreck a government, and wreak havoc. Our hopes reside with all the cooler heads, the Democrats, the Young Progressives, the wise old hands, the folks who still believe in good government. All Human Beings are worthy. There are better ideas: inclusion, equality, freedom, diversity, humanity, woman's rights, LGBTQ+ rights, Immigrant Rights, Human Rights for all. We need to stick with the better ideas. Seek out and support the good. Fascism always burns out, after the wreckage, after the bullet in the bunker, after the smoke clears, life emerges out of the ashes. Our Hope rides on the Wings of Light.