Wednesday, May 10, 2023

"Unsounded Yet..."

"Still waters run deep." Amen. Early in my life someone surmised my pose, and pointed me to that "proverb of Latin origin." Lately my calm & cool exterior is revealed to be just a flimsy, slim coat obscuring a large, deep lake of passion. A very "subtle nature," indeed.

Even I am surprised how deep the water runs. My night's sleep has opened up to a vast self-made dystopia. Thinking "Dante's Inferno." Yes, a delightful little hell-scape. By day the Cool Dude, by night, just a Fright.

What is roiling in my head?

"Suffolk's comment on a fellow lord in William Shakespeare's play Henry VI part 2:"

Smooth runs the water where the brook is deep,
And in his simple show he harbours treason...
No, no, my sovereign, Gloucester is a man
Unsounded yet and full of deep deceit.