Friday, May 05, 2023

Inevitably Temporary...

Shimmering, sunny morning here. The coffee was fabulous, had a hearty breakfast, kind of a new thing for me, cooking, my new specialty spinach/feta omelets, although, really it's all scrambled. I am a bit of an imaginative monkey in the kitchen. Dangerous with flame and knife, especially early in the morning, lucky if no one gets seriously disfigured or mortally wounded in the making of this meal.

Listening to Mercury Rev's "Deserter's Songs," (1998), it is a magnificent little jewel of an album. Sort of a quirky, magical, cinematic soundscape. Just sounds so good to these ears this morning.  The line that is sticking to me: "And I know, it ain't gonna last..."

Aye, there's the rub. Both for the good and the bad. Whatever it is, it ain't gonna last. Can't really hold onto anything, no matter what emotions are roiling inside, or no what you are momentarily experiencing, it's kind of inevitably, irretrievably temporary. There is deep sadness, and a bubbling hope in that reality. No sense in clinging, there is the next moment, and the one after that too. No telling what is in store. Really.