Monday, April 03, 2023

Supremely Weird...

Thinking about cults and followers. You know, collections of folks who give up their critical thinking skills to blindly follow some strong-man, or con-man. It is a bit baffling and mystifying. Review the historical record and it's horrifying too. Yes. It is a top of mind topic. It looks less like politics, and more like pathology. Folks so desperate to pledge their allegiance to some sick, and supremely flawed human being. You know, it's that creepy "authoritarian" mindset writ large. The worst excesses and atrocities naturally flow out of this kind of  blind "unthinking." Seems to be a total abdication of any semblance of intelligence and enlightenment. Yes, not so much politics but pathology; an illness & sickness of the mind and soul. All the worst qualities of human beings emerge from being a faithful, unthinking cult follower. Maybe it's an easy out. Folks who trade in thinking and taking control of their own lives, for pure passion, passion fed by hate and fear. It's a toxic combo. From the outside, it looks like total madness. Hard to get your head around. It's an eye-opener. Human Beings are complicated, for sure. To watch folks gladly & fiercely embrace non-thinking, stupidity, blindness and madness, is supremely weird.

Note: Teri Kanefield reminds us that there is a method to the active stupidity and madness. These authoritarian cultists are reactionaries bent on turning back & derailing the progressive cause.