Sunday, April 09, 2023

Everything is Everything, and that's Everything...

Easter, Ramadan & Passover collide today…

Maybe that's appropriate. High Holy Days bumping up against each other. Clashing beliefs and believers. That is the Human Conundrum. I am one of those who thinks all religions are fundamentally talking about the same thing, and to fight over who is speaking truth, is the height of stupidity. To think anyone has a monopoly on truth is truly deluded.

Trying to impose your truth on anyone else is a form of evil.

The most important things in our lives, love, inspiration, passion, insight, transcendence, are invisible, hard to define, and hard to hold onto.

“Heaven walks among us ordinarily muffled in such triple or tenfold disguises that the wisest are deceived and no one suspects the days to be gods.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

I came across that quote in John O'Donohue's "Anam Cara" (1997) which I have been re-reading at a snail's pace; a few paragraphs here and there. It's almost like a long-form meditation. Just reading the words of the text, having those words explode in my consciousness is almost like hypnosis.  Happy talk. Celtic-style. I sort of feel like just the act of reading this book is improving my mind. Who knows?!

Yes. Well. This Humble Pilgrim believes in the power of believing. We all need a mission, a task, something to throw ourselves into, believing in a bigger, higher power. I believe it is best to define this higher power as loosely and open-endedly as possible. Believe in a better day, the sacredness of every day, or a healing light, or that the days are the gods, or, you know, god is love or love is god. God in my world is a very nebulous, hard to pin down phenomena.Think: Good & Goodness. A goodness that enfolds all phenomena.

I channel a lot my energy into creative projects, writing, music, composing and performing. It's a little slice of a more powerful, spiritual practice. When you drop your ego and just submit to the creative vibe it is sublime, something to live for.

Where is the evidence of God? All around us: a grain of sand, a butterfly, a sunny day, a cloud, a wave, a warm breeze, a cold breeze too, a rock, mud, blade of grass, a breath, a smile, an eye, a kind word. Life in all of its forms.  If everything is connected, everything is everything, and that's everything.