Saturday, April 01, 2023

Chickens Coming Home to Roost...

Nah. It is not a sad day for America. It's definitely a sad day for one particularly repulsive man. He is soon to be in a courthouse to face the music and that is a good thing! It is a sad day for the GOP. It's a terrible political party. They do not know how to adequately vet their candidates. They should be more discerning & careful, and bit more picky, on the type of candidates they support.  If they throw their support behind a loud, racist, misogynist, dodgy and super-corrupt con-man, who has lied and cheated most of his long, sordid life, well, it may take a bit of time, but finally, you know, reality has a way of catching up. You will reap what you sow! The first cut is the deepest.  The bully is not immune. The bully is no superman. The bully is a phony and a cad. I say, Let it come down.