Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Herbs & Potions...

Herbs and magic potions. My friend is a big believer in natural substances and alternate healing approaches, and well, sometimes I can be persuaded to try just about anything. I do think we are elaborate, personal, chemistry labs, the food we eat, the beverages we drink, the medicines & balms we indulge in, how much, how often, and when we partake; it's all just a life-long, always morphing experiment. We are what we ingest.

Lately, we have both turned to "Anxious Moment." We don't take it to be anxious, we take it to calm the fuck down. Does it work? Hard to tell. I think so. Lately, it seems the anxiety factor has increased in our lives. I mean, listen to the news, it's an unrelenting river of pain and distress. Plus the planet seems to be spinning faster and faster. We are hanging on for dear life. 

So, yeah, Anxious Moment. I suppose, at worst case, it can't really hurt to turn to a healing mist. And what of  the placebo effect? It's a real, unreal thing, right? If we believe it is working, is it working?