Tuesday, March 14, 2023

A Warring Mind...

A "satisfied* mind?" Nope. That's a chimera. A unicorn. Not exactly the Holy Grail. Not even sure it's something to pursue. A warring mind? Yes. That's more on-target. On-brand. Rings a bell. Not sure it's a good thing, but it presents itself as a true thing. Always competing ideas. Sound & Fury. Hurly-Burly. Clashing and crashing: thoughts, desires, over-wrought emotions. A head like a swirling & whirling "ball of confusion." What it's all about? Kooky obsessions, silly concerns, over-stuffed worries, contentious doubts. Yikes. 

* Puts me in mind of that great Replacements song, you know, being satisfied might be a cursed fate: 

"Look me in the eye
Then, tell me that I'm satisfied
Was you satisfied?
Look me in the eye
Then, tell me that I'm satisfied
Hey, are you satisfied?

And it goes so slowly on
Everything I've ever wanted
Tell me what's wrong

Look me in the eye
And tell me that I'm satisfied
Were you satisfied?
Look me in the eye
Then, tell me that I'm satisfied
And now are you satisfied?

Everything goes
Well, anything goes all of the time
Everything you dream of
Is right in front of you
And everything is a lie

Look me in the eye
And tell me that I'm satisfied
Look me in the eye
I'm so, I'm so unsatisfied
I'm so dissatisfied
I'm so, I'm so unsatisfied
I'm so unsatisfied
Well, I'm-a
I'm so, I'm so unsatisfied
I'm so dissatis, dissattis
I'm so..."