Wednesday, February 08, 2023

Joe is Pitch-Perfect. Yes.

We tuned in the radio, NPR, to listen to Joe Biden's 2023 State of the Union address. I suppose we could have watched it on our flat-screen TV, iMac, iPhone or iPad, but my partner and I really enjoy listening to the radio. It such an immediate, old-world, last century way to digest news and information. We don't get to see the "body language," but we do lock in with voices, the inflections, the emotions via spoken word. From a mouth to an ear. Pretty direct. 

We didn't listen to the preliminaries, we didn't listen to the post-speech pontificating. We really despise all that B.S. commentary from the "political experts," and nattering pundits, not our thing.

What of Joe's speech? Seemed pitch-perfect to our ears. Joe comes across as the best of America. He came from a working class family many decades ago. He has lived a life of tragedy and loss. And it seems he has never forgotten the tough times. But Joe comes across as someone who has always done the work. Roll up your sleeves, try to accomplish something, try to make the world a better place than the one you inherited. Joe Biden, great American success story.

As I've written before, I believe Joe is the perfect man for the job that he holds. He is totally in tune with the times. Yes, he is an old-timer, but he seems to be totally with it, fully alive in the moment. A tough, empathetic Human Being. Lots of words last night. But Joe has proven to be a "doer," a man of his words. His political agenda is our political agenda. 

There was no false step, no wrong move or misplaced word. Great speech. Feels like USA is in good hands, at least, for sure, the guy in the White House has the right intention: heart, head, soul.