Sunday, January 15, 2023

The Spark of Life...

I suppose there must be a balance: tough-minded, but open-minded too. "Don't fear the Reaper" - Blue Oyster Cult. 

Yeah, living in fear & anger is just waste of time, a waste of a mind, a waste of a life. There are challenges that must be addressed: how to pay the rent, how to keep a roof over your head, how to keep yourself well-fed and healthy, how to occupy yourself so you don't go fucking crazy?

We are lucky to live in a time and place (today in USA), where personal survival is pretty much a given. We may not live in the lap of luxury, we may have to struggle a bit, we may have to work hard and save our $ just to keep up, and to get by, but, you know, there are many folks on the planet who face much more primal and existential challenges. We are the lucky ones.

It is good to believe in something. Take a stand. Be somebody. And it's ok if other people believe other things. Human Beings are complicated, tricky, disagreeable. We don't all get along. Never have, probably never will. We may dream of a happy Utopia, but every happy Utopia also has it's inhuman Gulag. There is always the Dream and the Nightmare. There is always an Us vs. Them. There is always disagreement, competing interests, opposing forces. It's the Yin/Yang idea: Light in the Darkness/Darkness in the Light.

We can lean to the light. Aspire to a free and equal society where everyone is cared for and encouraged to be the best they can be. We can dream of the "rose garden," but there are no promises. It's all a work in progress. The light and the dark forces are always contending. The Human story is one of brutality and oppression. Think: racism, slavery, genocide, persecution, injustice. The Human story is also one of hope, kindness, transcendence, transformation, intelligence, ingenuity. We can side with the Better Angels. Keep Hope and Love alive in our hearts and heads. Think: equality, fraternity, liberty, justice, happiness.

We may not get there, but we must try to do the right thing. Good. The Good. It's the spark of Life.