Wednesday, January 25, 2023

The Art of Not Falling Down...

Snow here. A nice coat of white overnight, nothing too challenging. Still, knowing that we have to venture out there today, things are immediately clarified & simplified. The mantra in our heads and on our lips today will reflect a basic desire to survive.

"Don't fall down." 

Really, that's it. There comes a time in your life when falling down just isn't acceptable. When you were younger, more flexible, a bit spryer, falling down wasn't necessarily catastrophic. You could fall down, get back up, dust yourself off and carry on, no problem. Might even be a little prelude to a funny story. "Remember when we were roller-blading down that hill and you ended up under that hedge and I was splayed out beneath that willow tree? And those squirrels were chattering at us like we were nuts?"

That all changes as the years roll out. A new day, a new reality. Falling down is just not done.  So with every step, every move, every action that simple, homely, mantra rules. Today, success will mean getting back home in one piece, incident-free.  

There is a bit of clarity in the knowing...