Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Logistics & Maintenance...

I used to think I was here to figure out the big existential questions. Is there a Creator? What is the Meaning of Life? Why are we here? Where do we go when we die? It seemed like all the serious thinkers & philosophers were grappling with the great and mighty questions. Why not I?

I now think those questions are pretty much irrelevant, a waste of time, and brain-power. We are here now. It is much more important and relevant to work out the logistics of being here, alive, and in the moment. We are here to figure out  how to live. Now. Realizing we have choices, it is up to us how we spend our time. Yes. Life. Up to us.

I now think we should spend lots of time on Logistics & Maintenance. What do we do with the time we have here on the planet? How to keep our bodies clean (in all ways), and in good working order?  How to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet? How to be active: walking, biking, exercising in a challenging, fun and gratifying way?  How to exercise our brains & expand our hearts and souls? 

Worthy activities: reading, writing, creating, dreaming, thinking.

Paying attention to the details of our lives. The Big Questions on the docket for a typical day: What to wear? What to eat? Where to go? What records to spin on the stereo? What books to read? How will we entertain ourselves, and others too?

Frequently checking in with yourself to see if everything is in good working order.

Want to get spiritual

Spend lots of time in the natural world. Take your cues and lessons from Nature. Observe the cycles & seasons. Make friends with the Sun, the Moon, the Stars. Observe the blooming of a rose, and the inevitable decay, and then, the rebirth. Listen to your heartbeat. Pay attention to the workings and processes of your body, your mind, your soul.

Best to walk the mystical path on practical feet. Breathe. Sit quietly in a comfortable chair. Close your eyes. Meditate. Cultivate silence. If you fill yourself up with practical, real things, there is no reason, or time, to worry about those large, looming unanswerable questions.