Tuesday, January 10, 2023


Yikes! Perusing the news headlines, delving into a few kooky stories. Seems the "Deniers" are in full denial mode. What is it with these clowns? What do they deny? Math, Science, Physics, Free & Fair Elections, the January 6th attempted Coup, Democracy, Evolution, Man-Made Climate Catastrophe, Racism,  the Holocaust, COVID-Virus, Vaccines, Immigrant Rights, Women's Rights, LGBTQ+ Rights, Progressive Politics, Social-Safety Net, Good Government, Public Good, Intelligence, Facts, Truth, Beauty, Equality, Fraternity, Liberty. 

Also Fascists denying they are Fascists.

The Hard-Headed--Know-Nothing-Idiot-Clowns take up way too much oxygen in our culture. Somehow it has become a badge of honor to be a Super-Sized-In-Denial-Clown.  And much of the press and the media just amplifies the idiocy for ratings & readers. It's all just kind of gross. Also this is soul-killing. We need more open-minded-ness, more open heads and arms. We need intelligent, discerning, engaged, Human Beings. It's the only way forward. The denying deniers? Yikes!