Sunday, January 22, 2023

Close Listening with Utmost Attention...

Oh my... it is all about music over here. 

Yesterday, we received early mixes of two of the songs we recorded with our band at the big-time studio a couple weeks ago. It's kind cool to hear all 8 musicians in all their technicolor glory bringing it on these two songs. The original recording engineer also did the mixes. We weren't sure if he was the right person for the job, but listening to these tracks, it turns out, yes, indeed, he is the right person. No doubt. His first crack at it is magnificent.

We spent all late afternoon and early evening playing these tracks on various devices. Close listening with utmost attention. At first it was a bit overwhelming. There is so much going on, we really have manifested a "wall of sound." It's clear we need to make a few fixes, minor things, a bit of extraneous noise here and there, we need to adjust a few volume levels, surely we will go thru a round of revisions, but, so happy with what we are hearing. Proof that we really did catch a bit of lightening in the bottle at those sessions.

I went to sleep all abuzz. Sound-waves dancing in my head. That's when Nick Cave's voice (circa 2010), emerged. In the dead of night, in a deep, dead-man-like, sleep, Nick in his over-amped guise as frontman in Grinderman 2, Nick in his Dirk Diggler, "porn-stache," guitar-wielding incarnation boldly intoned:

"She don’t care about Allah
She is the Allah!
She don’t care about Buddha
She is the Buddha!

Cause she’s a heathen child!
She’s a heathen child!
Yeah she’s a heathen child!
She’s a heathen child!"

Amen brother. Ok. It's wasn't the greatest, most restful sleep, but music animates the spirit, no doubt, no worries, no complaints.