Friday, December 02, 2022

Toxic Males...

I am usually an early morning writer, today, stuck in an undisclosed location with bad, low-tech in the a.m. I finally came up for air this afternoon.

The phrase kicking around in my head today: Toxic Aggressive Masculinity. It is celebrated and monetized in this wide-ranging, anything goes, dystopia. Being confined to the football field, or the wrestling ring, it sort of makes sense. 

But being a Loud, No-Nothing, Freakishly-Aggressive Male in the mainstream cultural air-stream seems quite ugly and misplaced. Don't need to mention names. You know the assholes I am thinking about. Throw in enough $, give them a tv show, record contract, or podcast, hitch them to a political movement, and, well, fascism, lawlessness, general mayhem, chaos, and disorder seems imminent. There are folks, clearly, unwell people, I mean folks with seriously toxic, defective, sadly-poisoned minds, who are getting way too much attention for saying really, really, stupid corrosive, soul-killing, shit. Gob-smackingly bad.

Cooler heads. Clearer minds. 

Our nation, and our culture, turns its lonely hearts, eyes, and ears to you.