Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Fool's Game...

A fundamental problem with our discourse...

It is so easy to float a lie. It takes work (time+energy+curiosity+logic+commonsense), to debunk it. 

This explains so much of the confusion and idiocy in our political/cultural/social air-stream. Idiots floating big lies that sit out there like enormous blimps on the horizon. The bigger the lie, the more work required to take it apart. Also, of course, the big lie is often seductive, it's the falsity that some people desperately want to believe in. An intrepid truth-seeker has to take the time to sift thru the evidence, discover the facts, and shoot holes in that blimp until it finally comes crashing down in flames. And often the truth is messy, complicated, inconvenient, hard. By the time a full debunking happens, many folks have already swallowed and digested the lie, and have moved on to the next idiocy. It is not an easy thing to change a made-up mind. Sometimes it is pretty damn-near impossible, like arguing with a very dense boulder. I mean, arguing with an Idiot who thinks they know what's what, that is a fucking fool's game right there.