Monday, December 05, 2022

A Really Bad Idea...

A really Bad Idea...

"Terminating the Constitution?"

Yeah. No. A Really Bad Idea. I mean, I know there is a whiny little baby-man, a multi-times loser screaming and ranting and throwing a tantrum at his garish, glitzy, no-class, faux-castle in Florida. He's typing with his greasy, fat fingers into his smart-phone, typing really stupid, dumb, crazy-ass shit.

It's not funny. Not smart. You know, it's gruesome, ranting, baby-stuff. There will be no constitution terminating any time soon. Even though there are thugs and lugs who would gladly try to make it happen.

That Cry-Baby Dude is pretty scared. The walls are closing in. Think of that time when Macbeth watched Burnham Wood marching forward. Those bad faith lawyers hired to save baby-man's fat ass have basically "shot their wads" into the void of pointlessness. We are getting closer to The Reckoning. I mean, really. Finally?! Maybe!?