Sunday, November 13, 2022

The Sea of Positivity...

The Power of Positive Thinking. Growing up I resisted. I thought it was a load of shite. I mean, I actually was a relatively happy lad, but to think that it was all up to me, that the secret was to open myself to positive vibes, to walk on the sunny side of the street, to lean to the light, to smile, laugh, read poetry, listen to music, and to maximize the doing; that all of these things were things I must actively choose, just seemed too simple and simple-minded.

You know "the World" is hard. You find out you are not the center of the Universe. Lots of your dreams and ventures are going to crash and burn. You have to adjust, and reframe, and constantly improvise. And you know, it is inevitable, you are going to fuck up. Maybe often. Sometimes supremely badly. You will find out that there is sickness, and evil, and your body, just like all bodies will grow, change, morph and finally fail. Yikes. There are people that will hate you and want to take you down.

In the face of all of that, positive thinking seems a bit paltry and limited.

How do you deal with all that bad shit? Getting pissed off at God, or the world, or your parents, or school or whatever is kind of pointless. You really do need to have talk with yourself. You can choose to deal with Life, or not. You can choose to lean to the Light, or not. You can make do with what you have and give it a go or not. You really can just try to do your best. And if that doesn't work, try something else. It's pretty much the game. Do you want to play, or not? 

Being positive, creative, throwing yourself into activities, yes, that is the good life. Why wouldn't you want to take that road? All that negative shit is just a roiling ocean of turmoil, no more real than the sea of positivity. Where do you want to live? Really, it seems kind of stupid, but I think it really is all a choice.