Saturday, November 19, 2022

The Game of Schlep...

Up way before the crack of dawn. I mean it's gonna be hours before the sun even thinks of making an appearance. I set my alarm for an earlier than usual rise. I have "shit to do." It comes with the life of a schlepper. Yes, I come from the schlepper class. I may spend lots of my time writing songs (see previous post), pursuing leisure, and flow, but it's all a bit of a luxury kick. I still need to make $ to keep it all together. So I have appointments to keep, rounds to do. I don't really want to, but you know, I just have to get my head around it and get to it. No sense in complaining. I think maybe I can turn it all into a game to play, yes, that's right the game of life. No, scratch that, the game of a schlepper's life.

The early a.m. soundtrack - Mogwai"s "Happy Songs for Happy People." (2003). I don't think the title is meant to be ironic. But when I purchased it awhile back, post-pandemic, I feared that it was, thinking maybe it was going to be all corrosion and dissonance. Nope. Beautiful. Elegiac. Up-lifting. With some dissonance and corrosion mixed in, but mixed in nicely. Another one of my favorite bands who mainly do instrumental music. Cool guitars, powerful drumming. It's definitely r&r, with some hard edges, but overall, a knockout beauty, very satisfying record. Happy songs for happy people! Indeed. Makes me happy!