Saturday, November 26, 2022

Marching On...

 "Marching to your own drum:To do something, act, or behave in a manner that does not conform to the standard, prevalent, or popular societal norm.

That's pretty much me in a nutshell. It becomes clear that I am not leading any pack. I am pretty much on my own. Leading by example. But, really my example isn't compelling or attractive to anyone else. Charisma, if it really exists, only goes so far. I don't really think I can convince anyone of anything. I do my own thing and see what happens. Trying to make things happen seems a bit foolish. Maybe things just happen, or they don't, or, you know, I mean, who knows?

The best way forward, if you are trying to accomplish anything is to find allies, co-conspirators, others who are all marching to their own drum too. Hoping that sometimes, maybe, at least for a brief time, we are all going in the same direction. But I don't hold my breath on that kind of thing. You know, tune into the drum, march on, damn the torpedos.