Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Break & Fix!

It turns out I am easy to break, and easy to fix too. 

I would not survive more than a minute or two of torture. Really. I know this about myself. I would crack, break like an egg. Immediately. Does that make me a "bad" person? Probably not. I am just super-sensitive.  

So it's a good thing I don't know any state secrets or codes, the fate of the nation doesn't hinge on my sensitivity. I don't know nothing. What do you want to know?

Breaking me is easy. Deprive me of a good night's sleep, or waggle a dog-hair under my nose, dagger me with a cutting remark, make me feel bad, and I will feel bad.

I'm easy to fix too. I am resilient in that way. A good night's sleep, a full pot of freshly-brewed coffee, and great music playing on the box, and in my head, all is right with world. I can conjure up ideas, dreams, songs, blog posts, I can amuse myself by observing everything around me. This morning I am fixed!

The a.m. soundtrack - Neil Young's "Le Noise" (2010) Neil with his electric and acoustic guitars and a batch of new songs singing alone in a big old mansion in L.A. with Daniel Lanois behind the recording console. Lanois brings a little "ear candy" to some of the songs, but basically it's all Neil, stripped to the essential. Brilliant, unique, quirky, totally Neil. Inspiring. It will for sure fix what's wrong with you!