Monday, October 10, 2022

Words on the Tip...

Lakefront Person: "You have an answer for everything, don't you?"

Me: "Hah. Yes, it's true, even if the answer is just another question."

Lakefront Person: "See?!"

A true conversation on the lakefront path. A person who barely knows me, pretty much summed me up with one friendly, smirking & probing question. 

I am a quick-thinker, a fast-talker, with a raging tornado of thoughts swirling in my head pretty much all the time. I often blurt out whatever is on my mind. It's sort of an edgy and annoying (for myself & others), way to be.

Over the years, I have tried to be a bit more careful with my storming mind, and my flapping lips. Throwing words out into the air is a tricky, and often, trouble-making proposition. I don't pretend to have all the answers, in fact, I tend to lean to the idea that there is a vast universe of questions, and few definitive answers, but words, yes, sure, I have lots of words to sling out into the world at moment's notice.
