Monday, October 24, 2022


"Your positivity is a gift."

Someone said that to me a couple of days ago. And my first thought, unspoken, was, "Well, it's not always easy." You know, I am a glass-half-full person, but sometimes it takes a bit of effort to find the light in the midst of the darkness. And lots of darkness everywhere. I am thinking a disciplined mind-set helps. Also I am a bit of contrarian, so if everyone around me is worried, pissed off, full of fear, I immediately gravitate to the other extreme. I have a bit of an argumentative mind-set. I can conjure up counter-narratives at a moment's notice. So my natural contrariness leads me to clinging to my sunny disposition. I just really, really want to see the upside, the positive vibe threaded in the vibe of the Universe. Life. Love. Light. Lean to the Light always. Sometimes I need to sit in silence to recharge, so much trouble in the world, don't you know? But, even I am surprised how often I can bounce back with a well-traveled smile. I can go dark, sometimes I go dark as a corrective to too much positivity, but it's not my natural way. Maybe I cling to a bit of naivety, a dollop of innocence? Trying to always live in the moment helps, to not jump to conclusions. In the moment the dark and the light is always contending. I lean to the light.