Saturday, October 08, 2022

A Weird, Loony, Revenge Scenario...

I was kicking this around in my head all day yesterday: Apocalypticism. You know, Apocalyptic Thinking? "The End is Near." It seems all the rage now, but it's probably been with us since the Dawn of Man. It seems someone has always been been shouting & preaching on the corner or the mountaintop, or in a field, that we are all doomed, and the doom is coming soon, it's right around the corner.

I surmise this is a bit of "Wishful Thinking." You know, folks who are unhappy with their lives, unhappy with their fellow beings, unhappy with the way of the Universe; they conjure elaborate scenarios where the Apocalypse comes crashing down and obliterates us all. Of course, lots of these folks somehow think they are destined for the Pearly Gates, it's only the folks they don't like who will be vaporized forever, or sent to the burning flames of Hell.

It's all some kind of weird, looney revenge scenario. It's all rage and judgement and retribution. And maybe it's just a way of bringing some drama to lots of lonely, unfulfilled lives? You know, a grand Technicolor Climatic Crescendo? I think it's a hard thing to come to the realization that we are just tiny specks in a Grand Universe, and whatever is Unfolding is much bigger, and pretty much indifferent to the fate of the billions of little Human Beings furiously running around on this spinning Blue Planet. We are here to do our thing as best we can, but it isn't all about us.

Apocalypse. It's all pretty much obvious B.S. but some folks are totally, madly, deeply and gladly all-in. Funny. Ridiculous, and who knows maybe a poor, counter-productive mind-set for a fulfilling existence? Thinking we are all doomed maybe sets the table? As Joe Strummer once said, "The Future is Unwritten." Get your head around that. Worried about Climate Catastrophe? The first step is to acknowledge that is a Human-made catastrophe, it is up to Human Beings to get their shit together, and I mean, pronto. And if an asteroid crashes into Earth and destroys everything, well, them's the breaks. Better to think we gave it our best, don't you know?! It is what it is. Make the best of it. Full-speed ahead. Damn the Torpedos! Do what we can and let it roll. Any maybe give those Apocalyptic Screamers a wide berth?