Thursday, October 27, 2022

A Deeper Hue...

He is a bright-eyed, funny and relatable character in the neighborhood. I have stopped and talked with him on street corners for many years.  A smiling, friendly presence and energy. He has had some hard times, maybe some substance abuse issues, he lives by his wits and on the kindness of strangers. I have always been supportive.

Yesterday, the conversation took a surprising, slightly mad turn. I mean, I think pretty much everyone is a bit "crazy," but then there is a deeper hue of crazy. What to say? He was speaking with a slight tremor in his voice, he was deadly serious...

Him: "Prince is stalking me. He's murdering folks. He murdered three of the elderly folks in my building. He has been stalking me for years."

Me: "Prince?"

Him: "Yes. Prince. The Artist Formerly Known As."

Me: "What? Prince? I mean, isn't Prince dead?"

Him: "Yeah. He faked his death."

Me: "Huh. Really?"

Him: "Yes, I crossed paths with him when I was a young rapper. He's been stalking me ever since. It's not right."

Me: "Wow... Sorry to hear that... I mean, yikes... I mean, well... see you around... take care."

Him: "OK. Peace, Brother..."