Saturday, September 10, 2022

The Pure Realness of Things...

Yesterday I fell into a sunny haze. It was quite agreeable. Total motion pretty much all day, except late afternoon, when I found a comfy lawn chair in a leafy backyard paradise, put some headphones on, and listened to The Who's magnum opus, and r&r masterpiece, "Quadrophrenia" (1973). Rock roll as good as it gets. No doubt.

Back to the motion, lots of places to be, lots of walking, walking, walking. It was warm, sunny, blue sky, no humidity, with a nice breeze off the lake. Lots of familiar faces, lots of smiles and "hellos" everywhere. I was totally alive, aware, awake in the moment to moment. 

No judgement, pure experience. Sometimes I can get there. Yesterday I did. It's probably the best way to spend one's time on the planet. I think we Human Beings often let our heads get in the way of the pure, real-ness of things. Our heads get clouded with all kinds of conflicting phenomena; feelings, thoughts, judgement, guilt, worries, fears.

Yesterday it was all about letting go, letting things flow and unfold. I rode the day like a cloud. I was transparent, light, pure light. Late evening, over the lake, an enormous, burnt-orange moon, full-blooded, sat on the eastern horizon. It was breath-taking. Improbable. Amazing. A reminder that we live in a strange, hard to comprehend wonderland. Sometimes we just need to open our eyes, our hearts, our heads and let whatever comes, fully engage and animate our beings.