Sunday, September 18, 2022

Experimental Nature...

Lately, I have been thinking about my life as a long-form experiment. Trying things. Seeing what feels right,  trying to discover what seems to work, and discarding those things that don't feel right, and don't seem to work. A process of attention, and elimination. A process of weeding out.  Everything is up for evaluation. Does it work? Does it feel right? Does it make my life better? I am stream-lining. Eating well. Always in motion. Trying not to waste my time thinking of the Past or the Future. There are complete thought-trains I don't need to take. My focus is near, not far. Living within my means, living within my skin, keeping my mind focused and crystal- clear. Speaking less. Trying not to impose my judgement on things, but always trying to be aware of the experience of things. I try to cultivate discipline in all things. I notice the moments of a day, see what nourishes my being. I feed my head and my soul. I try to always move towards clarity, and clear-consciousness. I notice the emotional roller-coaster inside my body, and marvel at the power of the storms that bubble up. I navigate, float, try my best not to drown in the ocean of emotion. Every thought, every emotion is just another momentary element that is demanding my attention. I pick and choose. Try things on for size, try to figure what enhances and what diminishes. I experiment.