Friday, September 30, 2022

All the World is My Friend...

Yesterday, I got into a friendly discussion about friends, which quickly devolved, into something else, something a little bit less friendly, and maybe a bit sad.

What is a friend?  "A person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations."

I am a lover of words and definitions. So I stuck to my guns. When I think of "friend" I am not thinking of my Dear Soul Mate, or members of my family. My friends would be the few souls I have met in my life that I have no relation to whatsoever, except for meeting them, and finding some amazing connection that surprisingly bonds us for life.

Over the many decades of my life, I think I can count 3 Human Beings I have met who would fit that description. One lives in another country (Poland), one lives in another state (Kansas), one is a person who I've known since high school, who lives a few towns away, that I haven't actually seen in the flesh in over 15 years.

But, you know, maybe I am being too militant in my definition of "friend?" I realize I may be technically correct, but, that stance may actually isolate me, and piss off some folks who I know and love dearly.

So this morning I declare that all the Human Beings in the world are my friends! Some of these friendships are easy. Some are difficult. Some are barely even existent.  Some friends are so contrary and gnarly, they actually resemble ENEMIES! Such is the way of the Human Thing!