Thursday, August 25, 2022

No One Wants to be Told Anything...

Advice. It usually doesn't really work. One thing I have learned, no one wants to be told anything. I should know, I am one of those human beings. We all plow ahead and enroll ourselves in the "school of hard knocks." We make our own choices, make our own mistakes, fuck up things all on our own. That is what we call a well-lived Life.  Most of us have earned the right to sing like Sinatra: "I did it my way."

It's NOT the most efficient way to live. Probably not even smart. A life of blind alleys, false starts, strange chimeras and rabbit-holes. I think we could all learn a thing or two from experienced travelers. Good advice is a gift.

Kurt Vonnegut's advice (see previous post), totally resonates with me. What if we all would have read that letter early on in our lives? "Make Your Soul Grow!" It's a bit reminiscent of Joseph Campbell's "Follow Your Bliss."

Cuts thru a lot of B.S. Makes you reflect on what's important: Love, Beauty, Poetry, Heart, Passion, Play.

You know, I'd add a few other ideas to the mix: 

Find what you love to do, and do that as often as you can.
Be true to yourself, and to others.
Spend more time in the doing.
Stop and smell the roses.
Meditate, contemplate.
Find time to be still and silent.
Fill yourself with Music, Poetry, Theater, Art.

Avoid Assholes, they are legion. Approach tasks with "Beginner's Mind." Go in with the idea that you know nothing. Be wide-eyed, open-minded. Don't be afraid to try, to fail, to Hope. Don't worry about "what others think of you." You are uniquely you. Be you to the max.

Damn the Torpedoes!