Tuesday, August 02, 2022

Manifestation of Nature...

Yes. Life. You can think of it as fragile, unique, or maybe resilient, & ubiquitous. Or, okay, think about it: maybe all of those words actually work! We could think of our lives as just another manifestation of nature. Another version of flowering. So, yes, (see previous post), a tree, a flower, a leaf of grass. We appear out of the muck and mire, and have moments in the sun, the rain, the snow, the long summer days and the chilling days of winter. We only get so much time. And no guarantees. Our run can end at any moment. Calamity & illness dance around us. So yes, every breath counts, every moment is precious. Maybe not worth counting? Just go with the flow? Ride the wave. Take everything in, enjoy the moments as best we can. We are alive. Right. Now. Maybe that's enough? Give it everything we've got. Do our best at all time. Aware. Awake.