Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Fascists & Semi-Fascists...

As the saying goes, "The Stupid burns."

The GOP fascists and semi-fascists love to cultivate their anger. That anger makes them especially loud & stupid. Their stupidity, and their failures in the broader culture pisses them off, and it all becomes a weird feedback loop: Anger>Stupidity>Anger. What makes them angry? 

Women, Blacks, Various People of Color, Liberals, Democrats, Joe Biden, FBI, DOJ, The Rule of Law, Democracy, Hilary Clinton, Human Rights, Gay Rights, LGBTQ Rights, the good working order of Government, sensible Climate Policy, sensible Public Health Policy, Common Sense and Decency.

Can it be that a sitting Republican  U.S. Senator (Lindsey Graham from South Carolina), is warning/threatening violence from the MAGA hordes if their beloved MAGA King is indicted?

That's it baby, in a nutshell. The GOP=MAGA, MAGA=Fascism.  Yes. It can happen here. It's all happening NOW!

Fascism:  "a far-rightauthoritarianultranationalist political ideology and movement... political violence and war as means that can achieve national rejuvenation" = MAGA & MAGA KING

So the rest of us, the common-sense majority is supposed to be afraid, to turn away from the Rule of Law, in the face of violent threats? This is not the way to run a country. Our Democracy depends on the Constitutional Order, the Rule of Law. "No man or woman is above the law," must be a guiding principle.

I do think the Majority of Americans want to keep our Democracy. We all need to stand up against the lawless, loud, angry, and armed MAGAs. I do think we are lucky to have some true American Patriots in positions of power, I think of Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, and many others. I also trust common-sense, decency, cooler-heads. The folks willing to roll up their sleeves and do the good work in the face of the loud, stupid ones.