Saturday, August 20, 2022


One my artistic mentors and collaborators always reminded me that when we were at the task at hand, and in our case, that meant staging elaborate theatrical productions together on a shoe-string, smoke and mirrors budget, we were doing "the good work." Creative. Engaging. Passionate. We filled our days pursuing crazy little dream-shows, that we'd put on and then take down. Short runs. Small audiences. We'd do the work, totally embrace all the little madnesses to make a show, and then it would all vanish in a blink of the eye. There and then gone. Everything, then, nothing. Just the smoke, the residue of a thing. Yep. The good work. Except, you know, the experience was alive in our hearts and minds. A life-lesson. Do the work. Do the good work. Always. And then let it go. No clinging. No holding-on. Start conjuring the next little dream.