Monday, July 18, 2022

"The Play" is Up to Us...

Yes. We tell ourselves stories. You know, we make little, personal myths out of our experiences. These don't have to be grand visions, just personal, closely-held narratives. They help us understand ourselves. And the world we inhabit. I do think telling stories is the best way of trying to make sense out of the events that make up our lives. There is drama & trauma. Wrong turns. Dead-ends. Major fuck-ups. Plus: fun times, profound epiphanies. Also: Strange trips, uncommonly great days, supremely absurd days too. And never forget: uncountable, non-revocable tragedies and losses. It all piles up. Event upon event. A long, strange trip, indeed. So, the triumph, sometimes a meager, small victory, is to just "tell the story." Live to tell the tale. It is rolling out day by day. And how we tell the story, and the story we want to tell  constantly morphs, evolves, grows, and changes. The past and what it tells us is always in the process of of changing. There is power in the narrative. We are the authors of our days. We aren't in control of "what happens," that is up to the fates and furies, the "slings and arrows of outrageous Fortune," but we are in control of deciding what it all means. We get to play the cards we are dealt. "The play" is up to us.