Sunday, July 31, 2022

The Devil...

Speaking of the Devil (see previous post). They say the Devil is in the details, or the Devil is in the Woodpile. I forget where I read it, but you know, God gets all that attention: praising, beseeching, petitioning, and fluffing. But the Devil? Well, he's just hanging out, biding his time, polishing his nails, waxing his tail, killing time, knowing that the world is gonna come knocking on his door. The Devil doesn't need all that praise, and glory, nope, he's got all the time in world. And he knows the world will come to him sooner or later. They say the Devil's best trick is convincing everyone that he doesn't really exist. Ha. Maybe it's silly to believe in the Devil? You know it makes the Universe look like a cheap action flick, God vs. Devil played out across the ages, but it would explain things. It would be a neat way to account for all the fuckups, the chaos, the pain and suffering. We wouldn't need blame it all on God. You know the Devil has hand. He's evil and bad, that's just the way he rolls.  Just look around  you, my friend, the Devil's got the world on a string!