Friday, July 29, 2022

Good Question...

My friend yesterday: "Why can't everything be good?"

Ha. Good question. It's just not that kind of Universe. You want everything to be "peaches and cream," smooth, easy, happy, friendly. Good intentions, good outcomes.

But that isn't the "way of the world." Chaos is in-built. Fuck-Ups are part of the fabric of the Universe. 

In the Human Realm: Everyone has their reasons and seasons. Not everyone sees the world the same way. Not everyone is on the same wavelength, not everyone wants the same thing. There are the clashes, the skirmishes, the fuck-ups, the contradictions, the fights, the tussles, the competing craziness of competing visions.

We are all such emotional hurricanes. Swirling storms inside. There is always the insistent needing, wanting, grasping. We all think we are the center of the Narrative, maybe even the Center of the Universe. But, of course, we are not.

Sometimes it's hard to understand our own motivations, much less someone else's. We are often shooting in the dark. Stumbling, around. A game of "Blind Man's (and Woman's) Bluff." We have to do our best. And then damn the torpedos. Those torpedos will come, no doubt. Good intentions, or not. As "they" say: "The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions."