Tuesday, July 26, 2022

A Day of Surly...

It doesn't happen often, and I can't really explain it, (although maybe the previous posts are a clue), but I was in a dark cloud of surliness all day yesterday. A surly human being. You know, it just descended upon me. I walked thru the day, did everything I had to do, but I could not shake that surliness. What is sort of funny, the surlier I was, the friendlier everyone around me became. Folks greeted me with kind words, smiles, polite gestures. I just kept up my quiet attitude of surly. A line kept floating in my head: "he's not shy, he's an asshole." Weird. Funny. This a.m. that feeling has evaporated. I have cleared the decks. The surliness is gone, and now replaced with a calm, sunny emptiness.