Monday, June 06, 2022

Working On It...

Ah yes. I try to be common-sensical. I do think it's good to keep my feet on the ground. To keep my head clear. To live in the moment. To stay clear of the dark clouds and soul-killing negativity. It is important to accept loss, to take in the darkness, to integrate it, to lean to the light and BE RESILIENT! It is essential to be completely Human. To realize there is no perfection. We must understand our limitations, our flaws, our quirks, our blind-spots. We must know that we are blind, but at the same time we can try to be vigilant: ALIVE, AWARE, AWAKE. We can navigate towards the LIGHT. In some ways that is our JOB. To gravitate and cultivate the LIGHT. It is a MYSTICAL notion. Yes. I am a common-sensical MYSTIC. Humble. Uncertain. Working on it.