Saturday, June 04, 2022

No Counting for Me...

I remember reading a Saul Bellow novel, and if I recall correctly, a character in that novel remarked that "Life is not a business."  It is not about numbers or $. You know, life doesn't really add up.

Right. It's not about sums and summing up. Life is about living. Human Beings tend to count. We count the days, the years, we look back on anniversaries. I think all that counting is counter-productive, contrary to living a fully-realized life in the moment.

I don't like to count. I just really want to live in the moment. No sense in accounting, summing up, totaling, etc.  Live. That is my thing. And if you live in the moment, you are in the glow of the mystery or as Ludwig Wittgenstein once wrote: “If we take eternity to mean not infinite temporal duration but timelessness, then eternal life belongs to those who live in the present.